Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quote from Life in a Metro - For Haniksha

Shruti: So you found a girl on

Monty: No, my mother's been looking for a girl for me, 5 feet 4 inch, Fair, Four figure salary, convent educated, and she has a good figure. Mother says she looks like Bipasha, I haven't seen any of Bipasha's movies, so I'll watch some of her movies now.

Shruti: If you don't fall in love with her, how can you marry her?

Monty: Love will follow later.

Shruti: If it doesn't, then what?

Monty: Relationships don't come with any guarantees, you can't take them back if they don't work, you know? We might fall in love. I'll take a chance. If you try, anything is possible. Everything will be alright, don't worry.